简介: The Rookie will be back for another go-round. Ahead of the Season 6 finale, ABC has renewed the Nathan Fillion drama, produced by Lionsgate Television, for a seventh season. -
简介: Alexi Hawley执笔﹑Liz Friedlander导演的ABC警察剧《菜鸟老警 The Rookie》过去被直接预订成剧,由《灵书妙探 Castle》男主Nathan Fillion主演。
《菜鸟老警》根据真人真事改编,Nathan Fillion饰演主角John Nolan,他是洛杉矶警局里最老的菜鸟警察。John离开了舒适的小城镇,来到洛杉矶追求自己的警察梦;此刻他身边的其他菜鸟都是二十出头,被上司认为只是遇上中年危机的主角,得跟年轻的同伴一样应付这个危险﹑滑稽﹑不可预测的世界。《黑暗物质 Dark Matter》主演Melissa O’Neil饰演女主 - 洛杉矶菜鸟警察Lucy Chen,将会与John有感情发展。
Afton Williamson饰演刚被提升为训练警官的Talia Bishop,第一个被指派给她训练的就是菜鸟John﹑ Eric Winter饰演咄咄逼人的训练警官Tim Bradford﹑Richard T. Jones饰演警长Wade Grey,身为警局监管警官的他与John成了死对头。Titus Makin饰演热心的菜鸟Jackson West警官,他父亲是洛杉矶警局的高层指挥官。
Alyssa Diaz饰演希望当上警探的训练警官Angela,不过当Jackson West被指派给她时倒成了麻烦,因为他的父亲可是对警局有发言权。Mercedes Mason饰演警监Zoe Andersen,主角那自信﹑无礼的指挥警官。 -
简介: 1.Life and Death:Officer Nolan and the entire team race against the clock to locate Lopez after she is kidnapped on her wedding day, not only to save her life but her unborn child’s.
2. Five Minutes:Officer Nolan and Officer Chen’s run-in with an infamous thief tips them off to a potentially big heist surrounding the Getty’s big gala event. Meanwhile, Nolan works up the courage to ask Bailey out on date.
3.In the Line of Fire:Officer Nolan and officer Chen report to a structure fire and suspect that there is more to the situation than meets the eye. Meanwhile, after witnessing a sniper shooting, the team searches for the shooter and discovers that the perpetrator has a connection to one of their own. -
简介: ABC宣布预定《菜鸟老警》的衍生剧,定名为The Rookie: Feds,已于《菜鸟老警》第四季中播出后门集,主角是联邦调查局的一位大龄菜鸟特工——Simone,由Niecy Nash饰演。 -
简介: 临近展示周,无线网终于开始决定各剧命运,ABC宣布续订《菜鸟老警 The Rookie》﹑《初来乍到 Fresh Off the Boat》﹑《美式主妇 American Housewife》﹑《单亲家长 Single Parents》及《节上生枝 Bless This Mess》。